Sunday, December 21, 2008

Hunting Men?

So I had always heard mention of the website, a website designed to facilitate casual hookups, but I hadn't fully explored it until recently. At a holiday event, a friend was rehashing a recent manhunt hookup and it began to peak my interest.  I initially created a profile to see if I could find my friend's profile, because one never knows when they are going to need naked pics for blackmail. But not 5 minutes had my profile been created, and I already had a guy wanting to chat with me. I, of course had only put up an ass shot and also used an alternate alias, so not to be detected by others who might wonder onto my profile. 

The part that really interests me is that he classified himself as Str8. To me, this concept is HILARIOUS! A true gem. I imagined him to be one of those Grade A Uptown Douches, who wears the Ed Hardey splatter tees and $300 jeans and is rockin' the perfectly coifed faux hawk, this was later confirmed and my assumption was spot on! He had only posted body pics, which given his Str8 status, I guess makes sense. That being said, I began to engage him in dialogue and began the inquisition, totally Barbara Walters Style. The next few steps turned out to be quasi-genius in retrospect, but given my lack of preparation for this scenario, I sort of fell ass backwards into it. He was apparently having difficulty viewing my pic and I had no idea how to even navigate the site at this point, but regardless he refused to continue dialogue without a pic, so I offered to email him a pic, of course from the email address of my secret alias, and I am assuming I was sending it to his secret alias as well. 

As a side note, I have noticed that these types of sites are all about the cock teasing. I of course had signed up with no intention to pay, and still have no intention to, but they are clever in that they play a seemingly never ending game of just the tip. This site specifically only lets you view something like 10 profiles a day, and of those 10, you only get to see thumbnails of the person's pics. Surprisingly enough, you are able to  chat and send/receive messages for free though, so Two Pumps for Manhunt. 

I've gotten a bit off I email the Str8 guy a couple of pics, by the way he tells me his name is Will. In the process he is inquiring if I am out and if I'm masculine or a fem, throwing around the term Bro, like it's going out of style. He is continuing to have technical difficulty, so he gives me an alternate email address. This point is when I realize that what he has given is probably his legitimate email address (a true diamond in the rough), so I immediately Facebook him and and find his profile and real name, which I will not reveal, because what can I say, I'm a regular Mother Teresa...

My concern is that had I been Glen Close in Fatal Attraction, this is all I would have needed to basically ruin his life and image in the 75204 of Dallas. The long and short of it was that "I wasn't his type" which was fine by me, because I was running late for a Holiday Party and had no intention of actually meeting him. I had only been slightly side tracked and mildly entertained by our exchange, plus I was needing to waste some time in order to be fashionably late the party.  

That being said, the real tragedy of the story is that in the year 2008 in a city of over a million people in the United States of America, that this guy is so scared of the social stigma of being gay that he must result to a digital game of cat and mouse in order to explore his sexuality... This topic definitely warrants further exploration, not to worry...more to come.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Testing 123

Hey Hey - Welcome to the latest greatest blog. This officially launches the beginning of my transition into the area of reporting and giving my out nah...